
8 Easy Steps

01.  Get Your Documents Ready

Typically you will need to provide your income, your outgoings possibly your commitments in order to be able to get a mortgage. To help smooth the process it is a good idea to get you most recent 4 pay slips and latest 4 bank statements to hand before your appointment. If you are self-employed then your last 3 years worth of SA302’s and tax calculations are likely to be required

02.  Speak with a Mortgage Broker

We’ll help you establish how much you can potentially borrow and which type of mortgage would suit you. Your adviser will make a mortgage recommendation and, if you’re happy to proceed, we’ll go about securing your DIP (Decision In Principle). Your DIP is a promise from lender that they’ll grant you a mortgage for that amount, on the condition that the information you’ve given is correct

03.  Find a Property

Once you know how much you can afford, you can start the property search. It’s worth speaking to multiple estate agents as they’ll have different listings. Remember to ask questions about the local areas and the condition of each property

04.  Put in an Offer

When you’ve found your dream home, you’ll want to make an offer. As you’ll have secured your DIP at this stage, you’ll be in a great position to put an offer on a property. Once your offer has been accepted, you can proceed with your application

05.  Make a Full Mortgage Application

Your mortgage adviser will take you through the full  mortgage application process. It’s also during this period that the lender organises a mortgage valuation

06.  Conveyancing

The solicitors/conveyancers will draw up contracts for the purchase and check everything is correct. They look for onerous clauses in the title deeds and check any leases for the things that might cause problems in the future

07.  Exchanging Contracts 

Your solicitor and the seller’s solicitor will now exchange contracts. You won’t have paid for the property at this point, however you’ll have legally agreed to buy it on a specified date. It’s at this point that you hand over your deposit money

08.  Completion

Completion takes place once you’ve exchanged contracts and paid for your new home in full. Money is transferred to the seller’s solicitor and the keys are released to you

The time it takes from that first, initial application to completion varies on a case-by-case basis

Your Home May Be Repossessed If You Do Not Keep Up Repayments On Your Mortgage

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